Now is when the inspection, appraisal, and CCO is handled.



As soon as the deal goes under contract, the buyer’s agent has to make sure the buyer is scheduling an inspection as soon as possible.   Inspectors are busy and will need a few days advance notice.   Once the buyers schedule an appointment:

The buyer’s agent must immediately tell the listing agent that the inspection has been scheduled and the time and date it will take place.   The listing agent has to confirm with the homeowner that the scheduled appointment is “ok”.   Unless the buyers are requesting to do an inspection at 4am, or on Christmas Eve, the seller should do everything in their power to comply with the request.   

The day of the inspection

The buyer’s agent should be present for the inspection.    The buyer’s agent should always recommend that the buyer is also present for the inspection; and the buyer should follow the inspector during the inspection.  Encourage the buyer to ask the inspector about whatever questions/concerns they have.   

The seller is usually not present for the inspection.   The listing agent or one of their representatives is usually present instead.

After the inspection is completed

The listing agent should call the seller and warn them of any major issues that surfaced.  The sellers are usually anxious to know what happened.   NEVER TELL THEM THAT NOTHING CAME UP. Wait for the report to come back.   Inspectors are often secretive about their findings and you won’t know about all the problems until the report comes in. They do this to avoid confrontation with sellers and listing agents…

When a radon test is done

(optional test and not all buyers agree to spend the extra $100 or so)

The inspector will leave a radon detector in the basement for a few days.  During this period, the seller will be instructed NOT to open any windows.   Opening windows creates too much ventilation and the detectors cannot collect enough radon to give an accurate reading.


The inspection report

Usually it takes a few days for the buyers to receive a written report from the inspector.  The report will list all the problems found within the house.   The older the house, the more problems there will be.  

Now the buyer has to discuss with their attorney how they would like to proceed.   They can move forward with the purchase, they can cancel the purchase, or they can make requests.    They can request repairs to be made, or they can request “credits” from the seller so that they can make their own repairs after the closing.   Credits are quicker and easier for everyone involved; but some sellers will insist on doing the repairs themselves.   To avoid this, a buyer’s attorney will sometimes advise the buyer to request that “all repairs are done by licensed, certified professionals”.   The buyer may want to have different contractors  come to the property for estimates.   This is normal and should be allowed by the seller…

When the buyer makes requests, the seller can either agree, cancel the deal, or attempt to renegotiate.

Once all parties are in agreement, the inspection contingency is over.



(Usually) 10 Days after attorney review, the deposit is due.   The buyer’s agent should remind the buyer about this well in advance of the deadline.



As soon as the deal goes under contract, the buyer’s agent should ensure that the buyer is moving forward with the loan process.  The lender will want a copy of the finalized contract and rider, along with any other paperwork that the buyer has not yet submitted.    At this time:

The lender orders an appraisal.

The lender must then contact one of the agents to coordinate a time and day that works.

The listing agent then must confirm with the homeowner that this day & time works.

Unless the homeowner does it, one of the agents usually has to be there for the appraisal to let the appraiser in..

Sometimes, the appraiser will ask the agents for help with recent “comparable sales”.   Help them when asked. Giving them unsolicited help can be interpreted as disrespectful. When you feel it’s necessary, be careful & tactful about it.



Sellers need to apply with the town building department for a Certificate of Continued Occupancy.  The application usually costs about $100 or so.   The town will require the homeowner to close out any open permits before they will issue the CCO.

(CCO is for resale. CO is for new construction. “Smoke cert” is the term they often use in Hudson County)